Conspiracy theories 2024, September

A Fragment Of A UFO Fell On India - Alternative View

A Fragment Of A UFO Fell On India - Alternative View

According to the Indian resource on Friday morning, June 19, a "meteorite" fell in the city of Sanchor in the Jalor region of Rajasthan, about 530 kilometers from the capital of the state of Jaipur. According to local residents, who were the first to report the incident to the police and local administration, an object fell from the sky, making a terrible explosive sound

Prophecies And False Prophecies. Why And Why? - Alternative View

Prophecies And False Prophecies. Why And Why? - Alternative View

False prophecies, like other types of disinformation, have a very specific purpose. In the broadest sense, it can be characterized as information coercion in a certain situation to inappropriate actions

Prophecy Comes True: Thousands Are Chipped For Convenience - Alternative View

Prophecy Comes True: Thousands Are Chipped For Convenience - Alternative View

Stockholm (AFP) - It is about the size of a grain of rice, but it holds the key to many aspects of your life. A tiny microchip inserted under the skin can replace the need to carry keys, credit cards and train tickets

Sick Clinton, Wanga's Prophecy And The Case Of Hillary's Doubles - Alternative View

Sick Clinton, Wanga's Prophecy And The Case Of Hillary's Doubles - Alternative View

Hillary Clinton is falling off her feet: Vanga's ominous prophecy about the last US president is coming true, writes the Daily Star. Bulgarian soothsayer warned that the 44th President of the United States would be the last

How The World Works. Dark Power - Alternative View

How The World Works. Dark Power - Alternative View

Being naturally endowed with a fair amount of healthy skepticism, I did not believe in conspiracy theories just yesterday. But the essence of some ominous events and phenomena of our life, which has recently revealed itself to me, makes me temper skepticism and look at life from a different angle

How Does The Government Make Money On Our Health - Alternative View

How Does The Government Make Money On Our Health - Alternative View

Everyone knows that morbidity and mortality from almost all types of diseases among Russian citizens are growing. The Government of the Russian Federation convinces us that this is a global trend. The citizens themselves are to blame for this

Strange Things Are Happening Right Now - Alternative View

Strange Things Are Happening Right Now - Alternative View

Interesting observations 1) 5778th Jewish year 5 + 7 + 7 + 8 = 27 (the day of the lunar eclipse). 2) 5778 K solar surface temperature. 3) The 5778th Jewish year ends on 11/9/2018. The graduation will be celebrated from September 9th to 11th. Twice 911.9 + 11 = 20

And Who Is To Blame For The Poverty? - Alternative View

And Who Is To Blame For The Poverty? - Alternative View

Billions stolen by oligarchs and miserable pensions in RussiaTwo news events in Russia were in the spotlight last week. The scandalous story shown on NTV about the withdrawal of colossal money from the country by Khodorkovsky - more than $ 50 billion and a shocking message from the Accounts Chamber that a pensioner in Russia with an average pension of 14 thousand rubles

The World Of "1984" By George Orwell Turned Out To Be Similar To The Modern - Alternative View

The World Of "1984" By George Orwell Turned Out To Be Similar To The Modern - Alternative View

Big Brother looks at us with new eyesOn June 8, 1949, the British publishing house Secker & Warburg published the first edition of the novel, which was destined to become one of the most popular books of the twentieth century, translated into almost all languages of the world and sold in tens of millions of copies. In

Why Is It Important To Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions? - Alternative View

Why Is It Important To Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions? - Alternative View

One of the most effective ways to free ourselves from the power of infernal parasites over our consciousness, according to independent researchers of esoteric knowledge, is to take responsibility for our own actions and deeds. The majority of people, the parasitic system of the infernal world through the society controlled by it teaches them to lack such responsibility

Is There A Hologram Instead Of Pope Francis? - Alternative View

Is There A Hologram Instead Of Pope Francis? - Alternative View

On April 13, 2020, first on social networks in Italy, and then around the world, a very strange viral video began to spread:- Salik.bizAs you can see, during the official broadcast of the Pope's speech, Francis finished his address, waved his hand, turned around, took a couple of steps and disappeared

True Knowledge Has Been Replaced With Information - Alternative View

True Knowledge Has Been Replaced With Information - Alternative View

The past will help us better understand the present, and the present will help us correctly assess the past."Power belongs to the one who possesses information and knowledge" is a very old axiom. Knowledge - the first step to which is the ability to comprehend the truth, to distinguish the real from the false - exists only for those who, having freed themselves from all prejudices and defeated their human conceit and egoism, are ready to accept each and every truth, if it has

Top Most Absurd Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Top Most Absurd Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Saddam Hussein had a "stargate". Michael Sall, Ph.D., has his own version of the reason for the US attack on Iraq. In his opinion, chemical weapons and even oil - this is just a cover for the "true goals" of the White House

Why Is Modern Society So Actively Degrading - Alternative View

Why Is Modern Society So Actively Degrading - Alternative View

Anyone from birth is like a new computer with an installedoperating system, but without programs and files.- Salik.bizHe is pure, and his character has not yet been formed, as well as his worldview, as well as the concepts of what is good and what is bad, and other mental attitudes

Global Research: What We Don't Eat Is Killing Us - Alternative View

Global Research: What We Don't Eat Is Killing Us - Alternative View

What is the risk factor leading to the largest number of deaths in the world? No smoking. And not even high blood pressure. This is bad food

A Quantum Computer? Not Today! Not Tomorrow! Never &Hellip;? - Alternative View

A Quantum Computer? Not Today! Not Tomorrow! Never &Hellip;? - Alternative View

To understand on a superficial level why such a computer is now impossible, it is not necessary to spend years studying quantum physics and the rules of the microworld

Ufologists Talked About The Conspiracy Of NASA With The US Authorities - Alternative View

Ufologists Talked About The Conspiracy Of NASA With The US Authorities - Alternative View

A few days ago, NASA specialists successfully conducted an experiment to create artificial clouds in the Earth's atmosphere

Global Digital Concentration Camp, Profile View - Alternative View

Global Digital Concentration Camp, Profile View - Alternative View

The government submitted to the State Duma a draft law on the digital profile of a citizen and an electronic passportThere is very little time left until the transnational elite (people-warriors) completely subjugate the multimillion-dollar "human capital" of the Russian Federation, under the pretext of transition to the digital economy

Cartoon "Beauty And The Beast" (1991): Infection With A Harmful Love Myth - Alternative View

Cartoon "Beauty And The Beast" (1991): Infection With A Harmful Love Myth - Alternative View

"Beauty and the Beast" is a well-known animated cartoon of the Disney company, which premiered on November 13, 1991. The cartoon is considered a recognized classic of animation, has been awarded many nominations and awards, and is very popular

Globalists Are Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

Globalists Are Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

The myth of “global warming” is being actively replicated by the structures of globalists and their servants from the national “elites”. But the question is why? Yes, the fact is that in fact this myth is used as a "cover" for the use of the latest weapons of mass destruction by globalists against humanity, with the help of which tens of thousands of people are destroyed in various regions of the Earth by artificially provoking various natural disasters, including massive ones

H.G. Wells' New World Order - Alternative View

H.G. Wells' New World Order - Alternative View

An open conspiracy, or Drawings of the world revolutionThe new world order is a familiar phrase. It is difficult to say who invented it and when. Some believe that the term was born in America. On June 20, 1782, Congress approved the US bilateral Great Seal

Vatican Revives The Cult Of Moloch? - Alternative View

Vatican Revives The Cult Of Moloch? - Alternative View

On October 28, 2019, a satanic statue of the infamous god Moloch, associated with the sacrifice of children, was erected in the Colosseum, at the notorious site of Christian martyrdom.- Salik.bizThe official explanation for the innovation is as follows:n“The statue of Moloch, worshiped by the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, is part of an exhibition dedicated to the once great rival of ancient Rome, the city of Carthage. T

About The Project Of "God's Chosen People" And The True Holocaust - Alternative View

About The Project Of "God's Chosen People" And The True Holocaust - Alternative View

The project of "God's chosen people" has existed for more than 3 millennia. Who instilled in the Jews this myth about this "exclusiveness" of them, allegedly giving the right to rule other peoples and own their property? How much did this deform the psyche of the representatives of this people?

The Inhabitants Of The Planet Earth Are Waiting For A Controlled Famine - Alternative View

The Inhabitants Of The Planet Earth Are Waiting For A Controlled Famine - Alternative View

Holodomor - the most effective weapon of elites to reform humanity. Food - the most necessary need, it is needed every day throughout life

The Rockefeller Foundation "predicted" A Pandemic 10 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Rockefeller Foundation "predicted" A Pandemic 10 Years Ago - Alternative View

Pandemic, coronavirus, global self-isolation of countries, economic crisis, everything that is happening now is described with amazing accuracy in the report of the Rockefeller Foundation published in May 2010. This report was titled: "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

Pandemic As An Instrument Of Globalism? - Alternative View

Pandemic As An Instrument Of Globalism? - Alternative View

In order to change the life of the planet at once, a special tuning fork was needed.In terms of its functionality, WHO is just a "health department" of an international public organization called the UN, but its powers are unlimited. If in the old days it could only recommend something, then an amendment to its own Charter of 2005 allows it to issue “orders” in emergency situations, which are binding on all countries.- S

In The United States, A Theory Of The Origin Of The Coronavirus Was Revealed In A Chinese Laboratory - Alternative View

In The United States, A Theory Of The Origin Of The Coronavirus Was Revealed In A Chinese Laboratory - Alternative View

The first person in the world to contract the coronavirus worked in the laboratory of the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, where the COVID-19 outbreak was recorded. The corresponding version was shared by Fox News, citing "numerous sources familiar with the details of the early actions of the Chinese government and having seen the relevant documents

The Hysteria Provoked Around Diseases Turns Them Into A Pandemic - Alternative View

The Hysteria Provoked Around Diseases Turns Them Into A Pandemic - Alternative View

Conversations that in the development of vaccines against various epidemics that have swept the planet in recent years have been going on for a long time

The "pig" Scam - Alternative View

The "pig" Scam - Alternative View

Exactly a year ago, the largest scam in the history of world medicine began, bringing the organizers billions

Strange Life Forms Isolated From Chemtrails? - Alternative View

Strange Life Forms Isolated From Chemtrails? - Alternative View

The Center for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham is continuing its research, begun back in 2015, to determine: can panspermia explain the origin of life on Earth? Panspermia (ancient Greek

When Will The Government Really Gain Control Over Our Transfers From Plastic Cards - - Alternative View

When Will The Government Really Gain Control Over Our Transfers From Plastic Cards - - Alternative View

Already a couple of times in my memory there was a false start of the moment when the supervisory authorities supposedly would monitor our transfers from card to card and thus solve their goals. They will be looking for unearned income, gray wages and all that

How Does The Pyramid Of Power Work - Alternative View

How Does The Pyramid Of Power Work - Alternative View

Part 1The parasitic Pyramid of Power created over the last millennia on our planet has by no means a human "top" hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. What kind of creatures not only control the destinies of the world, but also try to destroy humanity with his own hands?

American Conspiracy Theorists Offer Their Version Of Strange Noises On The Ground And In The Sky - Alternative View

American Conspiracy Theorists Offer Their Version Of Strange Noises On The Ground And In The Sky - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious topics on which conspiracy theorists break their minds, and in general all people who do not trust the officials, are all sorts of incomprehensible very strong sounds that come from nowhere and excite people in the area of their appearance.All

Project "AquaSib": Give Baikal To China - Alternative View

Project "AquaSib": Give Baikal To China - Alternative View

As part of the expedition to protect forests and the ecology of Russia, "Russian Taiga" visited the sensational water bottling plant for China on the shore of the sacred Lake Baikal. I visited it and not in vain, it is important to understand what it is and show it to my readers

Is GMO Humanity Close? - Alternative View

Is GMO Humanity Close? - Alternative View

Human genetic editing has become a reality. This tremendous advance in technology carries great risks, not only for those genetically modified children (without their permission, I would add), but for the entire human race. The consequences of this intervention are far-reaching and potentially devastating

Sterilization Of The Earth's Population With The Help Of GMO Begins - Alternative View

Sterilization Of The Earth's Population With The Help Of GMO Begins - Alternative View

Relevant US authorities have approved genetically modified cotton as a "potential solution to human hunger." The radical solution is to allow not only animal but also human consumption of GMO cotton seeds developed at the University of Texas Mechanics and Agriculture, without independent long-term testing

The US Uses Mutant People In Syria. Why Is Russia Silent About This At The UN? - Alternative View

The US Uses Mutant People In Syria. Why Is Russia Silent About This At The UN? - Alternative View

Back in 2016, Mr. Bashar Jafari, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Syria to the UN, made a shocking statement that the United States was using genetically modified soldiers in Syria

GMO - Weapon Or Bug? - Alternative View

GMO - Weapon Or Bug? - Alternative View

What are GMOs?Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are new organisms artificially created as a result of the introduction of one or more genes from another species or class of animals and plants to obtain new properties or parameters. The huge risks to human health caused by the consumption of "transgenic" products were pointed out in the works of Russian scientists (O

How To Find Out Which Products Contain GMOs - Alternative View

How To Find Out Which Products Contain GMOs - Alternative View

GMO is a genetically modified organism. This article will focus on genetically modified transgenic plants, which are then used to produce food products containing GMOs.Transgenic plants are hybrids with an altered set of genes. Changes are made in order to give the plant some useful properties: resistance to pests, frost resistance, yield, calorie content

Who Is GMO Friendly To? - Alternative View

Who Is GMO Friendly To? - Alternative View

After the shocking news about the creation of transgenic children in China, the world started talking again about the problems of GMOs. Where else is genetic engineering used and which countries are opposed to its use? We learn from the book of Zhores Medvedev