Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Stars: Management Through The Principle Of Imitation - Alternative View

Stars: Management Through The Principle Of Imitation - Alternative View

All living things have a program in place when a cub, when it is born, begins to imitate adults, most often its parents. Nature intended this with the aim of the fastest possible training of the newborn and its effective adaptation to environmental conditions

Who Rules The Parasitic Civilization? - Alternative View

Who Rules The Parasitic Civilization? - Alternative View

The so-called "world elite" is the 300 richest families and clans of the Earth, which control most of the world's property and rule the planet by manipulating politicians and leaders of most states. This is the so-called "world government", imposing a "new world order" on humanity with the help of its servants

Overton Window Technology. How Is Public Opinion Manipulated? - Alternative View

Overton Window Technology. How Is Public Opinion Manipulated? - Alternative View

Overton Window TechnologyOn the Russian-language Internet, information about the Overton Window technology, dedicated to the mechanisms of manipulating public opinion, has become widespread. The name of the technology bears the name of its author - American lawyer and public figure Joseph Overton

11 Ways To Manipulate People And How Not To Become A Victim Of It - Alternative View

11 Ways To Manipulate People And How Not To Become A Victim Of It - Alternative View

Recently, the problem of manipulating people, imposing other people's opinions and views, turning society into a mindless mass has been increasingly discussed on the Web. We have compiled a shortlist of the most common techniques and rules that help convince, position, inspire and influence people in every possible way, as well as ways to protect yourself from social manipulation

Secret Signs And Commandments Of The Masons - Alternative View

Secret Signs And Commandments Of The Masons - Alternative View

The Masonic brotherhood has been around for several centuries. Some secrets of free masons have become common property, but something is still hidden from prying eyes …- Salik.bizMasons workshopIt is strange to imagine that the Masonic lodge, to which many rich and influential aristocrats belonged, owes its origin to the people of physical labor. I

Before His Death, The Freemason Told What Awaits Humanity In The Future - Alternative View

Before His Death, The Freemason Told What Awaits Humanity In The Future - Alternative View

For most people, it is not a secret of the existence of various secret societies and organizations that can decide the fate of cities, countries or even the whole world. Such communities have existed for a long time in human history and who knows what destinies they make for ordinary people?

Secret Masonic Societies In The USSR - Alternative View

Secret Masonic Societies In The USSR - Alternative View

Nowadays, many publications raise the topic of Freemasonry in the pre-revolutionary and modern - “perestroika” - history of Russia.However, the Soviet period, especially the 20s and 30s, until recently remained like a blank spot for the researchers of Freemasonry. It

All-Seeing Eye On A Dollar Bill - The Eye Of Horus - Alternative View

All-Seeing Eye On A Dollar Bill - The Eye Of Horus - Alternative View

With the help of amulets, there was at least some hope that the gods would be able to save the owner from misfortune. One of the most famous and powerful amulets was the so-called Eye of Horus

Secret Societies Or Who Gets In The Way Of Knowledge - Alternative View

Secret Societies Or Who Gets In The Way Of Knowledge - Alternative View

As you know, the origin of Masonic lodges is directly related to another medieval brotherhood - the Order of the Knights Templar. 1118 g

Freemasons: Builders Of Freedom Or Destroyers Of The World - Alternative View

Freemasons: Builders Of Freedom Or Destroyers Of The World - Alternative View

They possess the secrets of antiquity, conduct mysterious rituals and, of course, rule the world. Ideas about the global conspiracy of the Freemasons - one of the most popular conspiracy theories. Let's figure out who the Masons are and why they are still afraid

G. Sidorov On The True Illuminati, Freemasons And "false Goals" - Alternative View

G. Sidorov On The True Illuminati, Freemasons And "false Goals" - Alternative View

A lot of conspiracy literature has been written about the Illuminati, and especially recently. Who is not connected with the representatives of this secret society

What Do The Masonic Signs On The Notes - Alternative View

What Do The Masonic Signs On The Notes - Alternative View

Since 1928, an all-seeing eye at the top of the pyramid has gazed at people with a 1 American dollar bill. Today, everyone, a little bit literate, knows that this is a Masonic sign

Freemasons, Illuminati, Reptilians? Into The Furnace! And, Here Is The Society Of Jesus, It's Interesting - Alternative View

Freemasons, Illuminati, Reptilians? Into The Furnace! And, Here Is The Society Of Jesus, It's Interesting - Alternative View

In search of customers and performers of the forgery of chronology and world history, people shy away from side to side, no worse than a drunkard

Pyramid And Eye On The Dollar. What Sign Do The Masons Give Us? - Alternative View

Pyramid And Eye On The Dollar. What Sign Do The Masons Give Us? - Alternative View

Dollar. The world currency, according to some analysts, almost 80% of world trade occurs in dollars. Roughly speaking, in fact, this currency already owns our planet

The Pyramid And The Eye On The Dollar Or Who Is The God Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

The Pyramid And The Eye On The Dollar Or Who Is The God Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

In the last article "The Pyramid and the Eye on the Dollar. What Sign Do Freemasons Give Us?"

What You Need To Know About Freemasons - Alternative View

What You Need To Know About Freemasons - Alternative View

Freemasons (Freemasonry, from the French Franc-masson, English Freemason) - members of a movement that dates back to secret societies in the early 18th century

The All-seeing Eye Is A Secret Occult Sign - Alternative View

The All-seeing Eye Is A Secret Occult Sign - Alternative View

This symbol is usually called "secret" or occult. But those who use it do not hide it; moreover, they move it to the masses. For example, here is a collage of a dozen world stars who openly demonstrate to us the "All-Seeing Eye"

Management Of Freemasons From Agartha And Shambhala. The Secret Government Of The Earth - Alternative View

Management Of Freemasons From Agartha And Shambhala. The Secret Government Of The Earth - Alternative View

Masonic symbolism is the symbolism of the solar gods, and reflects monotheism. She personifies the Supreme Reason (as the ideology of the solar gods). In the book "Battles of the Ancient Gods" and the work "The Exodus of the White Gods

Football Is A Masonic Invention - Alternative View

Football Is A Masonic Invention - Alternative View

Wikipedia is bashfully silent about who and where invented the rules of football

What We Didn't Know About Freemasons - Alternative View

What We Didn't Know About Freemasons - Alternative View

We've all heard about the Freemasons and their alleged goal of global domination through the New World Order, but how many of us know anything significant about this subject? Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest fraternities in the world

Was Pushkin A Freemason - Alternative View

Was Pushkin A Freemason - Alternative View

As you know, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was a Freemason. But the history of his Freemasonry is extremely complex and confusing. There is even a version that it was the "brothers in the order" who had a hand in the death of the great poet

The Secret Of The Most Mysterious Masonic Lodge "Order Of The Pug" - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Most Mysterious Masonic Lodge "Order Of The Pug" - Alternative View

There was only one way to become a member of the probably most mysterious Masonic society in history, to which many of the intellectual elite of Europe belonged: to kiss the pug under the tail as proof of your complete devotion

Secret Societies - Alternative View

Secret Societies - Alternative View

Secret societies have been around all the time human civilization has existed. Moreover, one of the most famous European societies is the Order of the Templars and Freemasons. There were secret societies in Asian countries

Russian Freemasons Have Been Identified In Social Networks - Alternative View

Russian Freemasons Have Been Identified In Social Networks - Alternative View

The Great Lodge of Russian Freemasons is presented on Instagram. The publication "Afisha Daily" drew attention to the organization's social media account. The first profile photo is dated July 25, 2015

Opus Dei From The Da Vinci Code - Alternative View

Opus Dei From The Da Vinci Code - Alternative View

Many probably remember from books and films how Dan Brown portrayed Opus Dei in The Da Vinci Code as a secret sect hiding important information. You may be aware, but I will remind you that this is a really existing religious organization today

Why Are We Being Forced To Swear? How Obscene Language Affects Our Lives - Alternative View

Why Are We Being Forced To Swear? How Obscene Language Affects Our Lives - Alternative View

The most important opportunity that each of us has is the ability to live consciously. If you take a close look at how our modern life works, especially in cities, you will notice that it itself is designed in such a way that you are almost always unconscious

On The Implementation Of American Standards In Russian Education - Alternative View

On The Implementation Of American Standards In Russian Education - Alternative View

Reforms in education are designed to destroy the human craving for knowledge. Academician Vladimir Igorevich Arnold shares this opinion. According to him, our reformers are converting our education to the American standard - the standard of education for a qualified, non-initiative consumer

His Body Has Not Deteriorated For Almost 500 Years! How The Russian Orthodox Church Replaced The Power Of Svirsky - Alternative View

His Body Has Not Deteriorated For Almost 500 Years! How The Russian Orthodox Church Replaced The Power Of Svirsky - Alternative View

In one of the Russian monasteries, the body of an unknown person has been kept for 20 years, which the church diligently passes off as the incorruptible relics of Saint Alexander Svirsky, who died back in 1533. The state of the "relic" is really impressive, even though only feet and hands are open

Declassified CIA Files Mention Two Strange Photographs, The Secret Of Which Has Not Been Disclosed - Alternative View

Declassified CIA Files Mention Two Strange Photographs, The Secret Of Which Has Not Been Disclosed - Alternative View

Two years ago, the CIA declassified over 12 million files. Since then, journalists and self-appointed detectives have looked through documents in the hope of finding new information or advice related to secrets hidden by the special services

CIA Simulated Alien Abductions - Alternative View

CIA Simulated Alien Abductions - Alternative View

In a new article posted on his blog The UFO Trail (titled "Vallee declines to Substantiate Claims of CIA Simulating UFO abductions") Jack Brewer wrote on December 19: "Dr. Jacques Vallee has given up trying to fully substantiate the claim in book Forbidden Science - Volume Four, that he received a document confirming that the CIA was simulating UFO abductions in Brazil and Argentina

Learn More About Fake Alien Abductions - Alternative View

Learn More About Fake Alien Abductions - Alternative View

As a follow-up to the current controversy surrounding Jacques Vallee and fictitious alien abductions in South America, I thought I'd share with you a couple of cases that suggest that such things weren't just happening in South America. Consider this: On May 5, 1980, Myrna Hansen was returning home to Eagles Nest, New Mexico, from a trip to Oklahoma with her young son

On The Total Falsification Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View

On The Total Falsification Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View

More than once I had to hear and read on the Internet about massive and monstrous in scale facts of falsification of the history of Russia. Many of you have probably already heard about the works of A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky

School - A Conveyor Belt For The Production Of Human Mass - Alternative View

School - A Conveyor Belt For The Production Of Human Mass - Alternative View

“If you think that your education system is not perfect and not effective, it only means that at one time you studied well according to this system, received a diploma with honors and lost the ability to learn! You look at things superficially and primitively - to the extent of your understanding of all processes and phenomena in the universe.A

On January 13, A Nuclear Strike Was Delivered To Hawaii, But Aliens Intervened, Shooting Down 6 ICBMs - Alternative View

On January 13, A Nuclear Strike Was Delivered To Hawaii, But Aliens Intervened, Shooting Down 6 ICBMs - Alternative View

The false atomic alarm in Hawaii on January 13 gave rise to a lot of questions from all thinking people who believe obvious real facts, not what is written in the press

At The Time Of The Nuclear Alarm In Hawaii, A UFO Was Seen In The Sky And A &Ldquo; Meteorite &Rdquo; - Alternative View

At The Time Of The Nuclear Alarm In Hawaii, A UFO Was Seen In The Sky And A &Ldquo; Meteorite &Rdquo; - Alternative View

After the so-called `` false nuclear alarm '' that occurred in Hawaii on January 13, the US media, after talking about the event for about a day, quickly closed the topic, doing it synchronously, as if on command

The Number Of The Beast, Or The New Powerful Class - Alternative View

The Number Of The Beast, Or The New Powerful Class - Alternative View

In continuation of the discussion that arose in society and the media about a unified state database of personal data on citizens, I would like to say the following:This conversation usually starts with data security first. Will the central base not be the most vulnerable, with the risk of leaks, etc

Globalists Will Build 9 Underground Cities In Alaska? - Alternative View

Globalists Will Build 9 Underground Cities In Alaska? - Alternative View

According to on September 10, applications are pending for the privatization of Alaska's public land, which is now being transferred from public to corporate ownership.There are 9 applications and this is the largest liquidation of public land since the Klondai Gold Rush in the late 19th century

The Scientist Said That The Russians Are Subjected To Chemical Genocide - Alternative View

The Scientist Said That The Russians Are Subjected To Chemical Genocide - Alternative View

Deputy Director General for Science of the Institute of Chromatography "EkoNova" from Novosibirsk made a loud statement

Hollow Earth: The Makusi Indians Are Sure That There Is A Whole World Inside Our Planet - - Alternative View

Hollow Earth: The Makusi Indians Are Sure That There Is A Whole World Inside Our Planet - - Alternative View

The Makusi Indians knew about the existence of a huge cavity inside the Earth almost a hundred years ago. But are their legends true, or is this another incredible folk story? What if Jules Verne's famous Journey to the Center of the Earth is actually true?

Do We Have Information About The Internal Structure Of Our Planet And What Witnesses Say? - Alternative View

Do We Have Information About The Internal Structure Of Our Planet And What Witnesses Say? - Alternative View

Earth - mysterious place! Who would argue? The battles over the flat Earth have not yet subsided when the seemingly forgotten history of the "hollow earth" has raised its head. Here, the main thing is not to get confused, where is hollow, where is flat. It sounds very similar in Russian