Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Evidence That The World Elite Has Technologies Unknown To Official Science - Alternative View

Evidence That The World Elite Has Technologies Unknown To Official Science - Alternative View

Recently, we began to notice more and more facts that speak about the use of technologies on Earth that are not known to our civilization. The demolition of the World Trade Center buildings in New York is one such example

Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Russia. History Of Struggles And Alliances - Alternative View

Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Russia. History Of Struggles And Alliances - Alternative View

It is very interesting to look at the development of historical events through the prism of the struggle of various clans of Players, as well as their interaction with Russia

Conspiracy Theory Or How The Rothschilds And Rockefellers Divided Russia - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory Or How The Rothschilds And Rockefellers Divided Russia - Alternative View

Rothschilds and Rockefellers - the most famous and notable of the main entertainers of the irreconcilable war of parasites against the Russian World. Whether we like it or not, we will have to diligently study these powerful enemies of ours

Rothschilds And Rockefellers A Plague On Both Your Houses - Alternative View

Rothschilds And Rockefellers A Plague On Both Your Houses - Alternative View

THE US WAR AGAINST THE DPRK IS INEVITABLE. CONSPIRACY VERSION Conspiracy theory implies a conspiracy theory and the existence of a secret world government, which in fact does not exist

Globalists Openly Admit Their Program Of Population Control - And This Is A Bad Sign - Alternative View

Globalists Openly Admit Their Program Of Population Control - And This Is A Bad Sign - Alternative View

Eugenics and demographic control are longstanding hobbies of the financial elite. In the early 1900s, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institution were active in promoting eugenics laws in the United States. These laws have resulted in the forced sterilization of more than 60,000 American citizens in states such as California and thousands of marriage denials

About The Trilateral Commission - Alternative View

About The Trilateral Commission - Alternative View

Part 1The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by New York banker David Rockefeller, then chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, and Harvard University professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, who later became President Jimmy Carter's national security aide

Collusion Of Banks: Issuing Money In The USA - Alternative View

Collusion Of Banks: Issuing Money In The USA - Alternative View

In modern American society, it is not customary to remember how Presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and especially Andrew Jackson warned the American population: the Republic and the Constitution are in danger! The clan of financiers mercilessly influences the policy of the state, wanting to obtain a monopoly on the emission of banknotes (emission is such an issue of money into circulation, which leads to a general increase in the money supply in circulation, which, of

What Is Hidden Behind The Doomsday Vault - Alternative View

What Is Hidden Behind The Doomsday Vault - Alternative View

In 2008, there was no project more interesting than construction in one of the godforsaken places of the Earth, Svalbard (not far from Spitsbergen, a rock sticking out in the Barents Sea, part of the Arctic Ocean 1100 kilometers from the North Pole)

Is WWF Created To Reduce Population? - Alternative View

Is WWF Created To Reduce Population? - Alternative View

Sometimes animals are protected in order to destroy people.If I were reincarnated, I would like to return to earth with a killer virus to reduce human populations - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Co-founder and President of WWF (1981-1996)- Salik

Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed And Where Does The Federal Reserve - Alternative View

Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed And Where Does The Federal Reserve - Alternative View

On November 22, 1963, 35th US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by two shots to the head and neck. There are many questions around his death, and in this article we will look at the most solid theory.- Salik.bizSo let's start with the origins

Land As Appropriated Property Of 64 Bankers - Alternative View

Land As Appropriated Property Of 64 Bankers - Alternative View

This is very bad news for most countries and peoples of the world, because it speaks of the end of an era. I mean the era of complementary manufacturing.The point of complementary production is in the physical shortage of any imported product

Who Is The Central Bank Of Nabiullina Subordinate To? - Alternative View

Who Is The Central Bank Of Nabiullina Subordinate To? - Alternative View

The Central Bank of Russia regulates monetary policy in the country. For some unclear reason, he is supposedly "independent", but at the same time, employees of these structures manage state funds

Basel Tower: A Secret Plan For The Introduction Of A World Currency - - Alternative View

Basel Tower: A Secret Plan For The Introduction Of A World Currency - - Alternative View

Carroll Quigley, professor of history at Georgetown University, where he mentored Bill Clinton in particular, revealed the key role that the Bank for International Settlements played behind the scenes in world finance. Quigley is an insider raised by a powerful clique he himself called "international bankers," and his revelations are credible because he himself shared their goals

To The Centenary Of The Founding Of The FRS: "Conceived In Vice, Born In Sin" - Alternative View

To The Centenary Of The Founding Of The FRS: "Conceived In Vice, Born In Sin" - Alternative View

Excerpts from the first part of Eustace Mullins' famous book "Secrets of the Federal Reserve".Paul M. Warburg- Salik.bizConsumer Price Index in the United States before and after the creation of the Federal Reserve System.nSo what has changed?

Trilateral Commission - Alternative View

Trilateral Commission - Alternative View

The Trilateral Commission, like the Bilderberg Group and Council on Foreign Relations, is an extremely important structure in the secret world government

12 Stages Of Enslavement - Alternative View

12 Stages Of Enslavement - Alternative View

There have always been people who wanted to control others, imposing their will on them in order to ensure their well-being

Illuminati. When A Conspiracy Theory Is Close To The Truth - Alternative View

Illuminati. When A Conspiracy Theory Is Close To The Truth - Alternative View

Today, the secret society of the Illuminati (enlightened), along with Freemasonry, is considered by many to be the real power that rules the world. Is it really? Let's figure it out.The fact that society exists and operates can be easily verified by typing the word "Illuminati" in the search bar

Illuminati - Custodians Of Knowledge - Alternative View

Illuminati - Custodians Of Knowledge - Alternative View

According to the opinion prevailing in historical science, this secret society was founded in the second half of the 18th century by a professor at the University of Ingolstadt (Bavaria), Adam Weishaupt. But this is not necessarily the case

Do The Illuminati Exist? - Alternative View

Do The Illuminati Exist? - Alternative View

One of the most discussed topics among fans of conspiracy theories is the existence of the Illuminati. Now there is no longer any doubt about their existence. They even have their own website that provides information about the community. Moreover, anyone can apply to join the ranks of the Illuminati, but for this you have to pay membership fees

Disappearing Gold - Alternative View

Disappearing Gold - Alternative View

For thousands of years, people have been mining gold, a soft, useless and impractical metal. At all times, its importance has been greatly exaggerated, and of all properties, perhaps the most significant, apart from the yellow sheen, is its high resistance to corrosion, which allows gold to be used in jewelry and luxury goods

Tavistock Institute - Why Aren't The Illuminati Hiding Their Plans? - Alternative View

Tavistock Institute - Why Aren't The Illuminati Hiding Their Plans? - Alternative View

The vast majority of the world's population listens to music, but very few really listen to the meaning of the words spoken by the singers and think about the impact these words have on the listeners.Meanwhile, many of the songs that top the charts carry a very important semantic load

Scientists Believe That The Asgardia Project Is A Conspiracy Of The Illuminati - Alternative View

Scientists Believe That The Asgardia Project Is A Conspiracy Of The Illuminati - Alternative View

Conspiracy theorists argue that the nation's space - the Asgardia project, which implies the creation of a protective shield for humanity, will be used with malicious intent - to control the mind of people, according to the Daily Mail

Is The Outcome Of The Riots In America Predicted In The Maps Of The Illuminati? - Alternative View

Is The Outcome Of The Riots In America Predicted In The Maps Of The Illuminati? - Alternative View

The ongoing unrest in the United States today obviously occupies all minds - especially the minds of politicians from third countries, who do not know who will win and who will be honored in advance. The same, obviously, applies to the nomenclature in the United States, since not everyone among the bosses of different departments is in the 33rd degree, and if in the 33rd, then they either erected themselves into it and stay inside some unknown Masonic lodges , whose opinion of

Adam Weishaupt - The Founder Of The Illuminati - Alternative View

Adam Weishaupt - The Founder Of The Illuminati - Alternative View

Before the advent of Dan Brown's translations, the modern reader had little interest in the Illuminati. There were also enough other mystics-conspiracy theorists - Masons or Rosicrucians. Representatives of various associations of a religious-mystical persuasion were called "enlightened" or "enlightened"

Western Scientists Have Identified An Unknown Structure That Controls The Planet - Alternative View

Western Scientists Have Identified An Unknown Structure That Controls The Planet - Alternative View

The secret world government has been calculated by the Swiss supercomputer Horror stories of conspiracy theorists that mankind is not ruled by politicians, but by mysterious "puppeteers" hiding in the shadows behind the backs of the official authorities, are usually considered fables

The Deep State Is Stuffing Trump With Drugs Ahead Of A Coup, Sources Say - Alternative View

The Deep State Is Stuffing Trump With Drugs Ahead Of A Coup, Sources Say - Alternative View

According to multiple White House sources, Deep State employees are injecting sedatives into President Trump's food and drink to make him more flexible and disoriented.

Who Really Controls The World? Here Are The Names Of Thirteen Illuminati Families - Alternative View

Who Really Controls The World? Here Are The Names Of Thirteen Illuminati Families - Alternative View

It's no secret that, according to one of the most popular conspiracy theories, the world is ruled by a group of privileged people who remain hidden, but make all the most important decisions. According to some hypotheses, 13 Illuminati families are in power

"Committee Of Three Hundred" Against Russia: The Conspiracy Of The World Government Is Revealed - Alternative View

"Committee Of Three Hundred" Against Russia: The Conspiracy Of The World Government Is Revealed - Alternative View

It is believed that all Western politics are run not by public politicians, but by the well-hidden "Committee of Three Hundred". For centuries, the West saw Russia as an enemy and tried to destroy it. Military interventions were powerless

Plans Of The "Council Of Wise Men". Briefly - Alternative View

Plans Of The "Council Of Wise Men". Briefly - Alternative View

Researcher Val Valerian, in his work Matrix III, compiled a list of the Secret Government's plans. I agree with most of his findings

Their Signs Are Everywhere: Are The Illuminati Real? - Alternative View

Their Signs Are Everywhere: Are The Illuminati Real? - Alternative View

The word "Illuminati" means "Enlightened" and this society was officially founded on May 1, 1776 in German Bavaria.Its founder was the philosopher and theologian Adam Weishaupt, who is also a supporter of the liberal ideas of European enlightenment

Bankers Manifesto (1892), 25 Principles Of The Order Of The Illuminati (1776) And Satan's New Testament (1875) - Alternative View

Bankers Manifesto (1892), 25 Principles Of The Order Of The Illuminati (1776) And Satan's New Testament (1875) - Alternative View

The following text of the "Bankers' Manifesto" was published "for internal use" in the "Yearbook of the Civil Servant" - "The Founder" ("Civil Servants" Year Book, "The Organizer"), January 1934

Behind The Scenes Rulers Of The World - Alternative View

Behind The Scenes Rulers Of The World - Alternative View

Secret world government - once these words were perceived quite differently. It was very hard to believe that there was a group of prominent political figures and financial elites that could rule the whole world

Illuminati - Who Are They? - Alternative View

Illuminati - Who Are They? - Alternative View

Everything unknown habitually causes a lot of conflicting versions, hypotheses and interpretations. Especially when it comes to the history of secret communities, sects and orders.The conquest of world domination and total control over scientific, financial and human resources have always been associated with the activities of secret societies

Queen Elizabeth Was Placed Under "house Arrest" After The Christmas Message - Alternative View

Queen Elizabeth Was Placed Under "house Arrest" After The Christmas Message - Alternative View

In an unaired double of the appeal, she said 2017 would be the year of carnage as the global elite are betting on war

Who Really Is The World Puppeteer? - Alternative View

Who Really Is The World Puppeteer? - Alternative View

From year to year we read or watch news that are dedicated to large-scale tragic events stretched out in time

How Did Your Freedom Become Slavery - Alternative View

How Did Your Freedom Become Slavery - Alternative View

After the expulsion of man from the Garden of Eden, God made it clear that the free meal days were over. "In the sweat of your brow you will earn your bread" - he said. You Must Work, You Must Do Something Before You Get Wealth

Vladimir Putin Avoids An Assassination Attempt By The Forces Of The New World Order - Alternative View

Vladimir Putin Avoids An Assassination Attempt By The Forces Of The New World Order - Alternative View

Do not be surprised if this week we see another assassination attempt on the Russian president, writes

Will World Order Be Established? - Alternative View

Will World Order Be Established? - Alternative View

Many people never think about whether there are so-called rulers of the world. Why think about it - because we live, no one bothers us, we act as we want, and no one indicates

Why Did The "world Government" Warn The "employees" Of Its "bank" About The Approach Of Nibiru? - Alternative View

Why Did The "world Government" Warn The "employees" Of Its "bank" About The Approach Of Nibiru? - Alternative View

And you do not notice that the interest in the mythical planet Nibiru, which was sleeping after 2012, starts to rise again

Major General Of The KGB: "A New World Order Will Come In 2017" - Alternative View

Major General Of The KGB: "A New World Order Will Come In 2017" - Alternative View

The grandson of one of the leading employees of our security agencies, a major general, head of one of the main analytical centers of the KGB of the USSR (Directorate "A"), Vyacheslav Sergeevich Shironin, told the world about what actually awaits us in the very near