Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Vegetables Are Prepared From  Us  Russia Took 52nd  Place In  Level Of Education - Alternative View

Vegetables Are Prepared From Us Russia Took 52nd Place In Level Of Education - Alternative View

although 28 years ago we were on the 3rdYou know, we are not afraid of wars, we are not afraid of NATO, it is enough just to continue to abuse the younger generation through a terrible education. Universities will be graduated by doctors who will treat patients incorrectly, teachers who will teach children the wrong values, and this is enough to decay society

Pseudoscience Commission - Alternative View

Pseudoscience Commission - Alternative View

With the money of Rothschild and Rockefeller at the academies of different countries, commissions on pseudoscience were created, which still prevent the development and implementation of fuel-free technologies. Attempts by scientists to continue working in this direction were quickly and harshly suppressed

The Rothschilds And The Sons Of The Covenant - Alternative View

The Rothschilds And The Sons Of The Covenant - Alternative View

Some global projects are easy enough to find

Conspiracy Theory: From Medici To Rothschilds - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: From Medici To Rothschilds - Alternative View

"Give me the right to issue and control the country's money, and I will absolutely not care who makes the laws!" - Mayer Amschel Rothschild

World Crimes Of The Rothschilds. Part One - Alternative View

World Crimes Of The Rothschilds. Part One - Alternative View

The Rothschilds are the owners of the entire global financial system.The Rothschild lineage comes from Mayer Amschel Bauer, who changed his surname to Rothschild, derived from the red shield - Rotes Schild, which hung on his home in Frankfurt, Germany

Exposing Central Banks - Alternative View

Exposing Central Banks - Alternative View

Central banks only care about debt, profits and controlCrime is money that no one has ever earned to seize the real wealth of people- Salik.bizPower and counterfeit money corrupt.Why do people go into debt.nPaper money destroys society

How Are The Generation Of Cybermowgli Formed Instead Of Children - Alternative View

How Are The Generation Of Cybermowgli Formed Instead Of Children - Alternative View

The Institute for the Development of the Internet (IRI) has chosen games that the Ministry of Education is invited to include in electives for schoolchildren. Dota 2, for example, should help develop responsiveness, while Minecraft is about creativity and abstract thinking

NSA Is Watching You Or American Intelligence Services On The Wire - Alternative View

NSA Is Watching You Or American Intelligence Services On The Wire - Alternative View

On Monday February 4, The New York Times reported that the NSA had "quietly" shut down the controversial telephone tracking program exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013.The announcement was made by a senior assistant to the Republican congressman, who told the newspaper that the Trump administration has stopped using a program that analyzes domestic calls and text recordings of American citizens due to technical problems

Why, The Inhuman That Rules Our World, Turns The Earth Into A Desert? - Alternative View

Why, The Inhuman That Rules Our World, Turns The Earth Into A Desert? - Alternative View

Our technocratic activity, destruction of the environment and turning our planet into one large desert, is a characteristic component of the predator lifestyle that was imposed on us by the satanic system thousands of years ago. And this happened long before the beginning of the rapid development of the era of the technical revolution and universal consumption

Who Rules Our World? - Alternative View

Who Rules Our World? - Alternative View

From the very beginning of the existence of human civilization, some people ruled over others, rising to the pinnacle of power

Genetic Weapons Are Reality - Alternative View

Genetic Weapons Are Reality - Alternative View

Recently, on the pages of domestic newspapers and on television, the topic of new threats to Russia's security associated with an unprecedented leap in the development of the latest technologies, and among other things, has been increasingly raised. with a real breakthrough in the field of genetic engineering

Several Deep States Are Competing In The World - Alternative View

Several Deep States Are Competing In The World - Alternative View

Special networks-1 Each state has stable structures, the conversation about whose activities either falls under the disclosure of state secrets, or comes down to the use of toxic terminology: "mafia", "lodge", "order", etc

The Current Elites Have Nothing To Offer The People - Alternative View

The Current Elites Have Nothing To Offer The People - Alternative View

VICTORY - THIS IS MOBILIZATION The lack of ideology of the current state and the senselessness of the existence of the bulk of the population in it More and more Russians admit to a sense of shame because of the collapse of the USSR - declares Levada Center, holding another thematic

The World Will Be Ruled By Super Corporations! - Alternative View

The World Will Be Ruled By Super Corporations! - Alternative View

According to scientists, this utopian scenario from Hollywood films is already becoming a reality. Experts from the University of Zurich have already analyzed the connections of 43 thousand

Deep State - A Hybrid Of Corporate America And National Security Structures - Alternative View

Deep State - A Hybrid Of Corporate America And National Security Structures - Alternative View

"They are sucking money out of the country as soon as they can." Deep State is rooted in American political vocabulary, but the reality behind it is not clearly defined

The Perfect Cover For The Global Reboot Conceived By The Elites - Alternative View

The Perfect Cover For The Global Reboot Conceived By The Elites - Alternative View

Zerohedge: Trade War provides the perfect cover for the artificial global reboot conceived by the elites

Geopolitical Overview Of Planned Armageddon And The Occult Battle Against The Cabal And The Deep State - Alternative View

Geopolitical Overview Of Planned Armageddon And The Occult Battle Against The Cabal And The Deep State - Alternative View

State of The Nation May 2015: State of The Nation plans to publish a very instructive account of the centuries-old Zionist conspiracy soon to culminate in World War III

The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part One - Alternative View

The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part One - Alternative View

David Wilcock has come up with a big update on the current situation in the world and he believes that the fight against the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, various insiders report this: “Let's go

The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part Two - Alternative View

The Critical Moment Has Come In The Liquidation Of The Deep State. Part Two - Alternative View

Read the first part at this link. David Wilcock Continues to Deliver New Intelligence Disclosure on Human Mind Control Technology

Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The Second Part - Alternative View

Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The Second Part - Alternative View

Read the first part at this link - The involvement of the Jesuits in crimes and assassinations The 1963 assassination of President Kennedy Almost from the very beginning, the assassination of a popular young president, according to many, was the result of conspiracy, not d

The Global Hierarchy Of Power - Alternative View

The Global Hierarchy Of Power - Alternative View

3-cities - states control the world of Oktogon - Empire of Darkness Many might think that they are fairly well informed about all the major players in the Deep State conspiracy playing field, in relation to the various elements of society

Defense Minister Of Canada: &Ldquo; The Illuminati Rule The World In Secret &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Defense Minister Of Canada: &Ldquo; The Illuminati Rule The World In Secret &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Former Canadian Defense Secretary Paul Hellier authoritatively claims that the Illuminati are real and secretly rule the world from behind the scenes

European Union: Conspiracy Theory - Is It Not Just Theory? - Alternative View

European Union: Conspiracy Theory - Is It Not Just Theory? - Alternative View

Adherents of the elite theory, prone to radicalism (supporters of the so-called conspiracy theory), always inscribing the Bilderberg Club, the Committee of 300, the Bohemian Club, Rothschilds / Rockefellers, Freemasons and others on the list of secret rulers of the world, usually

Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The First Part - Alternative View

Who Is The Most Influential Of This World? - The First Part - Alternative View

Black Daddy - the commander in chief who controls the world. Jesuitism - the most absolute type of despotism

Is There A "World Top" - Alternative View

Is There A "World Top" - Alternative View

Hidden world organizations of supranational coordination and manipulation - the reality of our time. Such unspoken governance structures often impose their demands on parliaments, governments, big politicians, entire countries

History And Plans Of The New World Order - Alternative View

History And Plans Of The New World Order - Alternative View

This New World Order, which is intrusively offered to you, is a complex of plans of the Secret Government, and specifically of one small group in it, which are called the Fabians - it was founded in London in 1883

The World Elite Sends The World Occult Messages - Alternative View

The World Elite Sends The World Occult Messages - Alternative View

Globalists continue to promote the "end times" along the 33rd parallel of Amersite ANP: “ As early as January 10, we published information in ANP, in which it was reported that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church had recently issued the following serious warning

How The Elite Dominates The World. Part 2: Why In The World, Right And Power Were Given To The Central Banks? - Alternative View

How The Elite Dominates The World. Part 2: Why In The World, Right And Power Were Given To The Central Banks? - Alternative View

Read the first part of here. Despite the fact that the countries of the world are deeply divided in everything, but one way or another, almost all of them were convinced that the Central Bank - that's what you need

Why The Occult Elite Is Losing - Alternative View

Why The Occult Elite Is Losing - Alternative View

Contempt, overconfidence, recklessness, and rampant corruption have violated their delicate principle of balancing duality. Chaos laid bare spells for the New World Order

How The Elite Dominates The World. Part 1: Debt As A Tool Of Enslavement - Alternative View

How The Elite Dominates The World. Part 1: Debt As A Tool Of Enslavement - Alternative View

Throughout human history, those called the ruling class have found various ways to force those under their control to work for their economic gain. But these days, we willingly enslave ourselves ourselves

Semi-kiborgs And Unnecessary Masses. The Secret Plans Of The World Elite - Alternative View

Semi-kiborgs And Unnecessary Masses. The Secret Plans Of The World Elite - Alternative View

The portal has published an analytical article by David Eidelman, an Israeli expert on political technology, social psychology, interaction between the state and civil society, under the title "Elites and Unnecessary People"

Escape Of The Elite Into The Depths Of The Earth: Tunnels, High-tech Subways And Underground Cities - Alternative View

Escape Of The Elite Into The Depths Of The Earth: Tunnels, High-tech Subways And Underground Cities - Alternative View

2018 has just arrived, but it already seems that it is casting the first big shadows that prepare us for big events. Events that could free the entire planet. This includes the arrests of many elites around the world

Only The American Oligarchs From The "deep State" Want The Third World War - Alternative View

Only The American Oligarchs From The "deep State" Want The Third World War - Alternative View

As long as the Deep State oligarchs continue to use the Supreme Court decision to bribe the entire US Congress and ignore the opinion of American voters with their hundreds of billions of dollars, President

Do Masons Rule The World? - Alternative View

Do Masons Rule The World? - Alternative View

Today this word is found often, especially in newspapers calling themselves "patriotic"

Puppeteers Of The World Are Always In The Shadows - Alternative View

Puppeteers Of The World Are Always In The Shadows - Alternative View

The usual evolution goes on for many millions of years. And in just a hundred years we rode from plow to space and climatic weapons

Exposing The Century: 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View

Exposing The Century: 13 Families Who Secretly Rule The World - Alternative View

Our world is ruled by powerful Illuminati families. They secretly control governments, the media, financial corporations and rule us from the shadows. There are 13 powerful families in total, in whose hands unlimited power is

Hadron Colliders Allow You To Open Portals To Other Worlds? - Alternative View

Hadron Colliders Allow You To Open Portals To Other Worlds? - Alternative View

Projects of hadron colliders, of which there are obviously many more than one on the planet (yes, the famous LHC is not unique in many ways), are shrouded in a dense veil of secrecy. Colossal money is spent on particle accelerators

World Elite And Oligarchs Received A Secret Message From Aliens? - Alternative View

World Elite And Oligarchs Received A Secret Message From Aliens? - Alternative View

This is a translation of an article from the site "Veterans Today" - a respectable electronic publication of former employees of the US State Department and intelligence

Underground Bunkers For The Elite - Alternative View

Underground Bunkers For The Elite - Alternative View

The impoverishment of the world population, capable of taking up the "weapon of the proletariat" and sweeping away any governments at a critical shortage of bread and circuses; technogenic and climatic disasters; resonant confluence of various fatal circumstances that put n

World Government And New World Order. Part 2 - Alternative View

World Government And New World Order. Part 2 - Alternative View

Part 1 The next influential structure of the MP is the Committee of Three Hundred, which includes, according to Colleman, the three hundred richest families in the world