Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Island Of Antichrist: A Springboard For Armageddon - Alternative View

Island Of Antichrist: A Springboard For Armageddon - Alternative View

The moment comes in the history of mankind when the forces of good and evil will converge in a decisive battle. Events in the Middle East are developing with kaleidoscopic speed. Old alliances are rapidly crumbling and new ones are being created from recent enemies

Managing People On Planet Earth - Alternative View

Managing People On Planet Earth - Alternative View

In the foreseeable historical process, the foundations of managing humanity were laid back in the days of Ancient Egypt by the caste of priests

World Government: Five Leading Secret Organizations - Alternative View

World Government: Five Leading Secret Organizations - Alternative View

Planning a new world order is often attributed to closed organizations in which influential representatives of the world elite participate. Sputnik has prepared an overview of the five most famous secret societies

"New World Order" - Vertical - Alternative View

"New World Order" - Vertical - Alternative View

Full size image (click) Strange, why exactly are we in the crosshairs of this intention? Why exactly we need to be destroyed, and if it is not possible with wars, then strangle with ideology? Why they took us so cool

Committee 300 - Alternative View

Committee 300 - Alternative View

Currently, there are a number of secret societies that have a tremendous impact on political, economic and social processes on a global scale

The Theory Of The &Ldquo; Golden Billion &Rdquo; Or Dulles' Plan - Alternative View

The Theory Of The &Ldquo; Golden Billion &Rdquo; Or Dulles' Plan - Alternative View

In the mid-90s, the book of the American colonel of the main intelligence directorate "The Committee of 300" was translated into Russian. For about 30 years, he studied the secret mechanisms of world governance and came to the conclusion that the 300 richest family clans govern global processes

The Threat Of An Alien Invasion Of Earth Is One Of The Tricks For Establishing A New World Order - Alternative View

The Threat Of An Alien Invasion Of Earth Is One Of The Tricks For Establishing A New World Order - Alternative View

Why are there more articles about UFOs and the dangers of alien invasions on Earth in the world's leading media? Have the authorities really decided to share with us secret information about extraterrestrial civilizations? Yeah - "Keep your pocket wider"

The Structure Of The Archons' Power - Committee 300 - Alternative View

The Structure Of The Archons' Power - Committee 300 - Alternative View

World conspiracy theory, world government, secret and occult societies, world behind the scenes Someone laughs and considers all this a joke or just a well-publicized duck, someone shrugs their shoulders, with the words, I'm not interested in this, but who

The History Of The Creation Of One Of The Most Secret Societies In Britain - Alternative View

The History Of The Creation Of One Of The Most Secret Societies In Britain - Alternative View

One winter day in February 1891 in London, three men were having a serious conversation. This conversation had consequences of the greatest importance for the British Empire and the world at large. For these people created a secret society, which was to become one of the most important forces of influence on the imperial and foreign policy of Britain for more than fifty years

Who Rules Planet Earth? - Alternative View

Who Rules Planet Earth? - Alternative View

We have all paid attention to the "all-seeing eye" at the top of the pyramid on the US dollar bill many times: There are many interpretations of this image that appears in paintings, in architecture, in general, everywhere

What Do People Think About The Most Secret Society In The World - Alternative View

What Do People Think About The Most Secret Society In The World - Alternative View

Economists and historians can have their own professional opinion about why gas prices are rising, the national currency is falling, or who is really behind current events in Syria

How Do Secret Societies Control The Movement Of The Earth's Poles? - Alternative View

How Do Secret Societies Control The Movement Of The Earth's Poles? - Alternative View

From the Editor: Since the first reports in the press that the magnetic pole shift has accelerated, there has been a very long and ineffective discussion on this topic. All who could and who could not, from geologists to cosmologists, spoke out, but the question remains open: why did it start, how and when will it end?

Skull And Bones - Alternative View

Skull And Bones - Alternative View

Now few people remember this incident, but it really happened in the American White House under the presidency of George W. Bush. During a press conference in the Oval Office, one of the journalists asked the head of the United States a question: "Is it true that you are a member of the Skull and Bones secret society?

The Main Mysteries Of The Secret Order Of Students "Skull And Bones"? - Alternative View

The Main Mysteries Of The Secret Order Of Students "Skull And Bones"? - Alternative View

The Skull and Bones Order is the oldest student secret society in the United States. It is called "the cradle of the American elite, which decides the fate of the world." Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and the current US Secretary of State John Kerry came out of it

Who Rules The World: Secret Societies From The Ku Klux Klan To The Freemasons - Alternative View

Who Rules The World: Secret Societies From The Ku Klux Klan To The Freemasons - Alternative View

Ku Klux KlanAlmost a century and a half ago - December 24, 1865 - the ultra-right organization Ku Klux Klan appeared in the USA

History Falsifiers: The Skull And Bones Secret Society - Alternative View

History Falsifiers: The Skull And Bones Secret Society - Alternative View

The author of the only work devoted to the history and functions of this association, Anthony Sutton believes that Order 322, or "Skull and Bones", and often just "Bones", should be perceived not only as the most mysterious community of conspirators, but also as

Secret Secrets Of The Secret Society "Nine Unknowns" - Alternative View

Secret Secrets Of The Secret Society "Nine Unknowns" - Alternative View

As long as human civilization exists, so many secret societies exist on earth. Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians … Little is known about them … they hid their secrets too well

A Muslim "secret Society" That Has Spread Its Networks All Over The World - From Turkey To Russia - Alternative View

A Muslim "secret Society" That Has Spread Its Networks All Over The World - From Turkey To Russia - Alternative View

The weapon of the Turkish revolutionaries in the summer of 2013 is a cobblestone and a gas mask that saves the police from gas attacks. Midnight over the Bosphorus. European coast

Illuminati: Curious Facts From The History Of The Secret Society - Alternative View

Illuminati: Curious Facts From The History Of The Secret Society - Alternative View

At all times, secret societies aroused awe among ordinary people. Among such organizations were the Illuminati, who preached the idea of enlightenment

Shrinking History And The World Elite - Alternative View

Shrinking History And The World Elite - Alternative View

Recently I learned that Nosovsky and Fomenko, whom no one knew much outside of the Russian-speaking part of the population earlier, over the past couple of years have been more and more actively discussed in foreign forums on the revision of history

"Knights" Of The Round Table: A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View

"Knights" Of The Round Table: A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View

They invariably kept themselves in the gloomy shadow and conspired every step they took. Almost unknown to the world, these gentlemen skillfully played the role of "puppeteers", not disdaining any methods, directing the entire course of the most important events as they intended

Information Wars. How Does Psychotechnology Work Today? - Alternative View

Information Wars. How Does Psychotechnology Work Today? - Alternative View

The driver of interstate political processes today, without exaggeration, can be called information wars, which are based on the manipulation of our consciousness. But few people think that modern sellers, imposing another purchase on us, are taking part in the creation of modern weapons based on the use of psychotechnology

London As The Capital Of The "deep State" - Alternative View

London As The Capital Of The "deep State" - Alternative View

The player is always given the game that he is playing, handwriting, therefore, the "deep state" as a geopolitical player can be identified as - with a certain, of course, error

5 Communities Of People Who Are Credited With Dominating The World - Alternative View

5 Communities Of People Who Are Credited With Dominating The World - Alternative View

1. MasonsLegends about Masons are spread all over the world. From time to time, videos of their sacraments pop up on the Internet. Information appears that certain politicians are members of the Masonic Lodge. However, in our search for "conspiracies" we began to lose touch with history and reality

Union Of Nine Unknowns. Are They Really Protecting The Planet? - Alternative View

Union Of Nine Unknowns. Are They Really Protecting The Planet? - Alternative View

If you have not yet heard this interesting conspiracy legend, now you will find out about it. Perhaps it will turn out to be true, but hardly anyone will confirm it for sure in the near future. The legend of the Union of Nine Unknowns appeared a long time ago

Trump Will Be Overthrown. Hacked Chat Of Representatives Of The "Deep State" - Alternative View

Trump Will Be Overthrown. Hacked Chat Of Representatives Of The "Deep State" - Alternative View

The potential existence of a so-called "deep state" has attracted the attention of both President Trump supporters and independent political observers for several months

Nine Unknowns And The Power Of A Conspiracy - Alternative View

Nine Unknowns And The Power Of A Conspiracy - Alternative View

Looking down from the watchtower of their hidden glory, the Nine Unknown watched the birth, destruction and birth of civilization, tolerant rather than indifferent - and ready to help - but always observing this rule of silence, which is a sign of human greatness - Louis Pauvels and Jacques Berger I

Versions About Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

Versions About Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

And the survivors must be ledAnd the Nine will keep the way.- Salik.bizNobody dares to stop the Nazguls.Song of the Great Exodus.nIt is not known when the legend of the Nine Unknowns - the anonymous keepers of ancient wisdom and knowledge - first appeared on Earth

Secret Organizations: Quakers - Alternative View

Secret Organizations: Quakers - Alternative View

QUAKERS, Protestant denomination. A distinctive feature of Quaker religious doctrine is the belief that God dwells in the heart of every person, directly calling him to take the path leading to a perfect life. This intimate relationship between God and every human being is called "inner light

The Secret Power Of The Archons - Who Are They And What Do They Want? - Alternative View

The Secret Power Of The Archons - Who Are They And What Do They Want? - Alternative View

Who are the Archons?Recent events on the world stage are more and more inclined to believe that history does not happen, but is created. If events are really unfolding under someone's control, then who are these people? Or maybe not quite people?

Union Of Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

Union Of Nine Unknowns - Alternative View

The history of mankind has many secret communities. Their creators pursued different goals, usually associated with the inability to act in an official way. Monks, revolutionaries, freemasons - all members of secret organizations tried to hide their activities from prying eyes

The Russia Today TV Channel Said That Hillary Clinton Is Supported By The Illuminati - Alternative View

The Russia Today TV Channel Said That Hillary Clinton Is Supported By The Illuminati - Alternative View

The American branch of the RT channel released a story that the Illuminati (as conspiracy theorists call the secret organizations that rule the world) are helping the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the election race

The Mysterious Secrets Of The Masons, Which They Hide From The Whole World - Alternative View

The Mysterious Secrets Of The Masons, Which They Hide From The Whole World - Alternative View

This secret society arose in 1717, many versions link the emergence of this mysterious society as a continuation of the order of the Knights Templar, and the rest justify the Masonic society as originally a union of free masons.Freemasons are constantly at the center of some of the most controversial conspiracy theories

Save Humanity From Itself: The Secret Of The "nine Unknowns" - Alternative View

Save Humanity From Itself: The Secret Of The "nine Unknowns" - Alternative View

Most of our readers have probably never even heard of the "nine unknown" saviors of the world. Of all the secret societies, this was probably the most secret. Historians aren't even sure if it really existed

The All-seeing Eye, Its Origin And Occult Meaning - Alternative View

The All-seeing Eye, Its Origin And Occult Meaning - Alternative View

Why are there so many pictures of celebrities hiding one eye? This is definitely no coincidence. In fact, the one-eyed sign has a deep meaning and proves an important fact about the powers that be. This article explores the origins and meaning of the inevitable one-eyed sign

Conspiracy Theories. Eternal Masons. - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories. Eternal Masons. - Alternative View

To this day, some historians and philosophers tend to explain high-profile political crimes, revolutions and coups d'état by the will of the almighty Freemasons

Conspiracy Theory: Masonic Chips For Kids - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: Masonic Chips For Kids - Alternative View

At the beginning of October of this year on the American television channel Fox News, a story was broadcast that in the United States, where thousands of children disappear every year, a certain public organization has been successfully implementing an initiative for many years that makes it possible to identify and find

Masonic Pyramid In Voronezh - Alternative View

Masonic Pyramid In Voronezh - Alternative View

"Those who entered our city along the M4 federal highway from Moscow could not help but notice this monumental structure

Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technology ?! - Alternative View

Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technology ?! - Alternative View

Recently, more and more information has appeared confirming that in the depths of the governments of some countries, in secret from all mankind, closed work is being carried out to study UFO technology and even contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations

The Influence Of Extraterrestrial Structures. Arachnoids. Insectoids - Alternative View

The Influence Of Extraterrestrial Structures. Arachnoids. Insectoids - Alternative View

Numerous publications about the presence and impact of other life forms on the human community are mostly incorrect, and in some cases are extremely harmful.The fact that we are not alone in the Universe is clear and true, but this is not the issue here