Diseases and mutations 2024, September

Instead Of People, A Woman Sees Around Her Ugly Reptiles - Alternative View

Instead Of People, A Woman Sees Around Her Ugly Reptiles - Alternative View

As a result of an unusual disease that the world's leading doctors did not know how to treat, the 52-year-old from the Netherlands saw dragons everywhere

She Eats Every 15 Minutes, But Weighs Only 25 Kilograms - Alternative View

She Eats Every 15 Minutes, But Weighs Only 25 Kilograms - Alternative View

American Lizzie Velazquez is 21 years old, she weighs 25 kg, does not suffer from anorexia and eats every 15 minutes

Guinness Book: The Hairiest Girl In The World - Alternative View

Guinness Book: The Hairiest Girl In The World - Alternative View

11-year-old Supatra Sasupfan from a suburb of Bangkok entered the Guinness Book of Records as the hairiest girl in the world. The whole face, ears, arms, legs and back of the baby are covered with thick "hair", which makes her look like a wolf

As A Child, His Own Mother Called Him A Freak. This Is What He Realized Years Later - Alternative View

As A Child, His Own Mother Called Him A Freak. This Is What He Realized Years Later - Alternative View

As a child, my mother had a blue diary. In soft, marbled cover and frayed corners. You could see from them how often they picked him up, wrote on his pages and re-read them. He was always there for her

The Little Boy's Eyes Are Bleeding And Bulging Out Of Their Sockets For Some Unknown Reason - Alternative View

The Little Boy's Eyes Are Bleeding And Bulging Out Of Their Sockets For Some Unknown Reason - Alternative View

4-year-old Sagar Dorji's eyes were red and swollen 3 months ago. Blood began to ooze from the eyes, and thick blood clots, freezing, almost deprived the boy of his sight

The Only One In The World With Such An Anomaly Of Chromosomes - Alternative View

The Only One In The World With Such An Anomaly Of Chromosomes - Alternative View

A 2-year-old boy from Wales is the only person in the world diagnosed with such a rare disease that doctors have not even come up with a name for it. Young Briton Alfie Jones from Bridgend, Wales, puzzled doctors

In Bryansk, The Girl Tasted An Exotic Fruit And Became Infected With Worms, Which Almost Ate Her Alive - Alternative View

In Bryansk, The Girl Tasted An Exotic Fruit And Became Infected With Worms, Which Almost Ate Her Alive - Alternative View

The Bryansk newspaper "Desnitsa" received a letter from a resident of Bryansk, 23-year-old Evgenia N. The girl wrote that she was driven to despair: six months ago she lost peace and sleep due to severe pain. From a beautiful girl, Zhenya turned into a walking skeleton

Strange Tomato Bush And Mutant Sunflower - Alternative View

Strange Tomato Bush And Mutant Sunflower - Alternative View

An unusual flower was discovered by a resident of Kramatorsk Gennady Koshelkov. In a field located near the village of Belenkoye, a strange sunflower grew, on the flower of which other sunflowers began to bloom

Nothing Worries: A Resident Of The Moscow Region Has Lived For 60 Years With Half A Brain - Alternative View

Nothing Worries: A Resident Of The Moscow Region Has Lived For 60 Years With Half A Brain - Alternative View

Doctors of a hospital near Moscow were amazed to discover that the patient had an abnormality in the brain, or rather the complete absence of the left hemisphere of the brain.At the same time, the 60-year-old patient himself did not know anything about this, he lived an ordinary life, at one time he served in the army, received a higher education, started a family, and worked as an engineer until retirement

A Four-legged Chick Hatched In The Chernobyl Zone - Alternative View

A Four-legged Chick Hatched In The Chernobyl Zone - Alternative View

In the village of Zarya, near Penza, a chicken with four legs hatched. The owner of the chick, 11-year-old Anya MALYSHEVA, is sure that the unusual baby behaves much more actively than the rest of the newborn birds

In Bashkiria, A Cow Was Carrying A Huge Calf - Alternative View

In Bashkiria, A Cow Was Carrying A Huge Calf - Alternative View

Haris Khusainov, a farmer from the village of Aitmembetovo, Arkhangelsk region, noticed that his cow had grown strangely fat - barely crawled through the barn door. - She was pregnant, but usually cows do not get so fat, - said Khusainov

Two Girls Who Will Never Get Old - Alternative View

Two Girls Who Will Never Get Old - Alternative View

Talking about families facing an unexplained illness in their children and a scientist hoping to find a clue to immortality, BBC Future reporter Richard Walker began fighting aging as a 26-year-old American hippie

16 Year Old Baby - Alternative View

16 Year Old Baby - Alternative View

The Greenberg family from Baltimore has four daughters - Emily 22, Caitlin 19, Brooke 16 and Curly 13. But one of them is the long-awaited third baby - an eternal baby

The First Drop Of Rain Can Be The Last - Alternative View

The First Drop Of Rain Can Be The Last - Alternative View

Now a pretty girl named Emily Payne is twenty years old and she is studying at the university. Every day, leaving the house and going to class, she takes a huge umbrella with her, even if the sun is shining in the sky and there is not a cloud

The Fattest Boy In The World Reduced His Stomach And Lost 100 Kg - Alternative View

The Fattest Boy In The World Reduced His Stomach And Lost 100 Kg - Alternative View

Seven months ago, 14-year-old Mihir Jain from Delhi (India) weighed 237 kg and was considered the fattest boy in the world. The huge weight did not allow him to lead a normal life: the guy was only able to lie down, eat, sleep and sometimes play video games

The Ancient Giant Virus Will Be Awakened From The Permafrost Of Siberia - Alternative View

The Ancient Giant Virus Will Be Awakened From The Permafrost Of Siberia - Alternative View

Scientists have announced that they will revive a 30,000-year-old giant virus found in permafrost in northeastern Siberia. The virus was named Mollivirus sibericum

A Genetic Experiment Escaped From A Chinese Laboratory? - Alternative View

A Genetic Experiment Escaped From A Chinese Laboratory? - Alternative View

Residents of the Chinese city of Xinxiang (Xinxiang), Henan province are frightened by an incomprehensible animal running through the city streets

The World's Largest Male Breast - Alternative View

The World's Largest Male Breast - Alternative View

The 53-year-old Chinese man has the largest male breast in the world, and local doctors cannot help him with this problem. Farmer Guo Feng noticed that his breasts began to grow 10 years ago, but did not attach much importance to this

A Rare Disease: A Girl Without A Nose Was Born In Britain - Alternative View

A Rare Disease: A Girl Without A Nose Was Born In Britain - Alternative View

An artificial nose is to be implanted for a baby suffering from congenital arynia, which will be replaced regularly until the baby grows up

A Woman With An Incredibly Narrow Field Of Vision - Why Doesn't It Prevent Her From Living? - Alternative View

A Woman With An Incredibly Narrow Field Of Vision - Why Doesn't It Prevent Her From Living? - Alternative View

Despite the fact that her eyes are completely healthy, Agnes cannot see multiple objects at once. When she looks at an object, everything else is out of sight

A US Citizen Experienced Hiccups For 8 Consecutive Years - Alternative View

A US Citizen Experienced Hiccups For 8 Consecutive Years - Alternative View

Woman explains how hiccups turned her life into a nightmare after having one attack for eight years

A Child Whose Brain Grew Outside The Skull Underwent Surgery - Alternative View

A Child Whose Brain Grew Outside The Skull Underwent Surgery - Alternative View

Everyone was convinced of the imminent death of the baby, so they did not even wash it after birth. The nurses did not weigh him and pump the liquid out of his throat

In India, A Woman With A Weight Of 500 Kg Was Operated On - - Alternative View

In India, A Woman With A Weight Of 500 Kg Was Operated On - - Alternative View

The heaviest woman in the world is considered an Egyptian woman weighing 500 kilograms. Soon, 36-year-old "record holder" Eman Ahmed Ab El-Ati will be delivered to India for weight loss surgery

Mother Cured Her Daughter Of Autism By Changing Her Diet - Alternative View

Mother Cured Her Daughter Of Autism By Changing Her Diet - Alternative View

San Francisco-based biochemist Katherine Reid has discovered a drug that in some cases can help minimize autism symptoms in children - a diet that eliminates monosodium glutamate, Fox News reports

The Boy Has Not Wanted To Eat Or Drink For A Year. Doctors In Confusion - Alternative View

The Boy Has Not Wanted To Eat Or Drink For A Year. Doctors In Confusion - Alternative View

Landon Jones stopped eating a year ago. The appetite of a 12-year-old American teenager disappeared after he ate a slice of pizza and a glass of ice cream in the evening. Waking up on the morning of October 14, 2013, Landon lost all sense of hunger and thirst

Because Of The Hair On Her Face, The Girl Was Called A Witch And Expelled From The Village - Alternative View

Because Of The Hair On Her Face, The Girl Was Called A Witch And Expelled From The Village - Alternative View

A girl from Nepal, born with a very rare disease, was forced to hide from people and be an outcast for all nine years of her life, because her neighbors called her a monster and a witch

A Girl With Two Vaginas Talked About Her Sex Life - Alternative View

A Girl With Two Vaginas Talked About Her Sex Life - Alternative View

A Reddit user under the nickname NurseryRN spoke about her difficult (and maybe vice versa) life. The girl was born with two uterus and two vaginas

An Indian Boy With A Huge Leg Baffled The Doctors - Alternative View

An Indian Boy With A Huge Leg Baffled The Doctors - Alternative View

Indian boy Verdant Joshi baffled doctors: his right leg grew to a huge size

In Bangladesh, A Tree Man Was Successfully Operated On - Alternative View

In Bangladesh, A Tree Man Was Successfully Operated On - Alternative View

Abul Bajandra, also known by the nickname "wooden man", is a Bangladeshi resident who has an unusual ailment. His hands are entirely composed of huge warts and more like curled tree branches

Treatment For Hydrocephalus Turned The Child's Skull Into The "horns Of The Devil" - Alternative View

Treatment For Hydrocephalus Turned The Child's Skull Into The "horns Of The Devil" - Alternative View

Filipino resident Cline Solano is now almost a year old. He was born with a very rare congenital anomaly called hydroanencephaly. This means that his brain was underdeveloped, but his skull was greatly enlarged due to cerebral fluid

A Woman With Inverted Feet Works As A Waitress - Alternative View

A Woman With Inverted Feet Works As A Waitress - Alternative View

A woman born with anomalies in the development of feet and hands refuses to consider herself disabled. She not only leads a normal life, but also outruns her friends on the run

A Girl With Huge Birthmarks Was Born In China - Alternative View

A Girl With Huge Birthmarks Was Born In China - Alternative View

16,504-month-old Wu Zimiao, born in China's Hebei province, suffers from a condition called giant congenital nevus

The Indian Village Was Struck By A Mysterious Suicide Epidemic - Alternative View

The Indian Village Was Struck By A Mysterious Suicide Epidemic - Alternative View

A year ago, two thousand five hundred and forty-three people lived in the Indian village of Badi in the center of the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Today the number of local residents is already two thousand one hundred ninety-one

A Rare Disease Has Aged 39-year-old Teacher - Alternative View

A Rare Disease Has Aged 39-year-old Teacher - Alternative View

In February 2007, a resident of Kirovograd Elena Sidoruk gave birth to a son. The contractions were difficult, three days after giving birth, the woman could not get out of bed. And when, at last, I got out of the hospital bed and limped to the mirror, I could barely contain a cry

In Louisiana, Water Is Contaminated With Brain-eating Amoebas - Alternative View

In Louisiana, Water Is Contaminated With Brain-eating Amoebas - Alternative View

The victim of the deadly parasite was a 4-year-old boy, whom his parents found dead in the backyard of the house

Exploding Head Syndrome - Alternative View

Exploding Head Syndrome - Alternative View

The title sounds like an idea for a third-rate horror movie, but researchers at Washington State University argue that the so-called "exploding head syndrome" is a real-life mental disorder that is more often

A Brother And Sister From Australia Have Been Diagnosed With The Rarest Sleep Disorder - Alternative View

A Brother And Sister From Australia Have Been Diagnosed With The Rarest Sleep Disorder - Alternative View

A brother and sister from Australia have been diagnosed with a rare hereditary disease that is incurable and inevitably fatal, writes The Independent

A 3-year-old Girl With A Rare Syndrome Can Die Every Time She Goes To Bed - Alternative View

A 3-year-old Girl With A Rare Syndrome Can Die Every Time She Goes To Bed - Alternative View

Paula Teixeira, a 3-year-old Spanish citizen, was born with the rare Undine syndrome. Every time a girl is poisoned to sleep in the evening, her parents are afraid that she won't wake up in the morning

The "Glass Girl" From India Survived 300 Fractures - Alternative View

The "Glass Girl" From India Survived 300 Fractures - Alternative View

"People look at me like an alien," says Dhanya Ravi, who is nicknamed the "glass girl" in India due to the fact that her bones are so fragile that she has already broken them 300 times, even just climbing out. out of bed

A Woman With Terminal Cancer Was Almost Cured With Coffee Enemas And A Sauna - Alternative View

A Woman With Terminal Cancer Was Almost Cured With Coffee Enemas And A Sauna - Alternative View

A 40-year-old British woman who had cancer in its last (terminal) stage, practically cured of it with coffee enemas, sauna and oxygen therapy