Diseases and mutations 2024, September

Cotard Syndrome Makes People Think Of Themselves As Zombies - Alternative View

Cotard Syndrome Makes People Think Of Themselves As Zombies - Alternative View

Graham suffered from an extremely rare disorder called the walking dead syndrome. He sincerely believed that he had died long ago, which is why he spent almost all his free time at the cemetery

The Woman Claims To Have Given Birth To A Nephilim Son In India - Alternative View

The Woman Claims To Have Given Birth To A Nephilim Son In India - Alternative View

In India, a mother says that she gave birth to a son - "Nephilim" and that her offspring are in fact the reincarnation of a Hindu god, reports http://yournewswire.com

The Only Twins In The World With Uncombed Hair Syndrome - Alternative View

The Only Twins In The World With Uncombed Hair Syndrome - Alternative View

We recently published a news about a girl named Schiele with uncombed hair syndrome. There are only about 100 people like her in the world

The Village Of Four-fingered - Alternative View

The Village Of Four-fingered - Alternative View

The inhabitants of the Volga village of Ignatovka have passed on a unique finger mutation from generation to generation - syndactyly. The four-fingered village has existed for over two centuries. Inhabitants of neighboring villages are already used to them and call them "marked"

A Turkish Woman For 66 Years Has Lived With Two Needles In Her Stomach - Alternative View

A Turkish Woman For 66 Years Has Lived With Two Needles In Her Stomach - Alternative View

Razia Yildirim, a 68-year-old resident of Izmir, Turkey, recently began to experience severe abdominal pain. When the woman was hospitalized and X-rayed, they found two 5-centimeter needles inside her body

3 Legs And 16 Fingers: The Story Of Frank Lentini - Alternative View

3 Legs And 16 Fingers: The Story Of Frank Lentini - Alternative View

Since the XIII century, the triskelion is considered the emblem of the island of Sicily - symbol of three running legs. It is surprising that it was here on May 18, 1889 that the three-legged Francesco Lentini was destined to be born - future famous circus performer

In Thailand, A Man Has A Fish On His Face - Alternative View

In Thailand, A Man Has A Fish On His Face - Alternative View

Fazian Eyemik, a 50-year-old Thai resident, cannot eat or see due to a giant tumor that has formed on his face as a result of sinusitis (inflammation of the lining of the sinuses). The man's family collects money for the operation

People With A Tail - Is It So Unusual? - Alternative View

People With A Tail - Is It So Unusual? - Alternative View

Cases when babies were born with a tail have been known for a long time and have been described many times. Hundreds of years ago, the tail of a European man caused superstitious fear, and the fate of the unfortunate tailed babies, who were recognized as the servants of the Devil, was sad

“When I Saw Her, I Fainted”: London Surgeons Will Make A New Face For A Russian Girl - Alternative View

“When I Saw Her, I Fainted”: London Surgeons Will Make A New Face For A Russian Girl - Alternative View

6-year-old Darina Spengler from the Krasnoyarsk Territory was born with an anomaly, due to which she has no lips and chin. In general, the entire lower part of her face is not developed. The girl was never officially diagnosed, but it is believed that she has the rare congenital Nager's Syndrome

A Resident Of Great Britain Did Not Know For Many Years That She Had Two Uterus - Alternative View

A Resident Of Great Britain Did Not Know For Many Years That She Had Two Uterus - Alternative View

Claire Wright, 34, has suffered from severe pain in the lower abdomen since the beginning of puberty, which has become worse every year. Initially, she thought that all these were the consequences of bowel surgery that she performed in early childhood

Doctors Want To Separate Siamese Twins With Three Legs - Alternative View

Doctors Want To Separate Siamese Twins With Three Legs - Alternative View

Twin brothers Arthur and Heitor Roja were born in the Brazilian state of Bahia in April 2009. Fused twins have common organs such as the intestines, liver, bladder and genitals, children control three legs

What Diseases Do Russians Have No Immunity To - Alternative View

What Diseases Do Russians Have No Immunity To - Alternative View

Russians are vaccinated against many diseases in childhood - for example, from measles, smallpox, scarlet fever. Other diseases, such as mumps or chickenpox, are common for most of us before we reach maturity

15 Interesting Facts About Siamese Twins Hensel - Alternative View

15 Interesting Facts About Siamese Twins Hensel - Alternative View

Abigail and Brittany Hensel - conjoined twin sisters living in Minnesota, USA. The world learned about them in 2013 when they took part in the reality show "Abby and Brittany". I suggest you learn 15 interesting facts about the Hensel Siamese twins. 1

The Child Started Puberty 12 Years Ahead Of Schedule - Alternative View

The Child Started Puberty 12 Years Ahead Of Schedule - Alternative View

A unique case occurred in the Krasnodar Territory. A three-month-old girl began to show secondary sexual characteristics, and already at seven months the baby began her menstrual cycle and her breasts grew. The second child in the Gaspirovich family was eagerly awaited

Chinese Girl Covered With Black Spots And Hair - Alternative View

Chinese Girl Covered With Black Spots And Hair - Alternative View

This is a rare and probably genetic disorder, almost the only carrier of which is now a six-year-old Chinese girl, Liu Jiangli

A Black Couple Has A White Baby And Is Not An Albino. - Alternative View

A Black Couple Has A White Baby And Is Not An Albino. - Alternative View

Francis and Arlette Tshibangu already had one child, the same as they are black. Therefore, the couple experienced a tremendous shock when their second son was born with fair skin and blond hair. Nor was he an albino

The Heart Of A 1.5-year-old Girl Beats Outside - Alternative View

The Heart Of A 1.5-year-old Girl Beats Outside - Alternative View

Russian doctors rescue a baby from Novorossiysk, born with a rare anomaly, Virsavia Mikhitaryants is 1 year and 5 months old. Her heart is not in the chest, like ordinary people, but outside. It can be seen through a transparent leather bag

Indian Doctors Showed Photos Of Newborn Twins With One Head For Two - Alternative View

Indian Doctors Showed Photos Of Newborn Twins With One Head For Two - Alternative View

Even knowing that children are developing with an anomaly, doctors were extremely surprised when they saw mutant babies born by caesarean section

A Two-headed Child From Brazil Can Suck Milk With Both Heads - Alternative View

A Two-headed Child From Brazil Can Suck Milk With Both Heads - Alternative View

Brazilian 25-year-old delivers healthy baby with two well-formed heads by caesarean section

Mutants Among Us - Alternative View

Mutants Among Us - Alternative View

Historically, for some reason, it so happened that people who were somehow different from the rest were branded as monsters and freaks. They were laughed at and mocked

The Hairiest Family In The World - Alternative View

The Hairiest Family In The World - Alternative View

The hairiest family in the world lives in Mexico, in the town of Loreto. Most of the 30 people in the Aseves family suffer from congenital hypertrichosis

People Have Shared Photos Of Their Rare Physical Anomalies - Alternative View

People Have Shared Photos Of Their Rare Physical Anomalies - Alternative View

Superheroes are born with abilities that often make them stand out from the crowd. But among us there are real people with unusual congenital features of the body and we often do not notice them at all

A Family On All Fours - Alternative View

A Family On All Fours - Alternative View

In various areas of our planet, there are people who, for special reasons, have to move only on four limbs. This deviation is called Juner Tan syndrome, after the Turkish biologist who discovered it

The Boy Was Presented With A New Bedroom - He Ate The Old One - Alternative View

The Boy Was Presented With A New Bedroom - He Ate The Old One - Alternative View

The boy who eats plaster from the walls, drywall, and many other inedible items received a unique birthday present - an inedible bedroom

A Two-headed Calf Without Signs Of Sex Was Born In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

A Two-headed Calf Without Signs Of Sex Was Born In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

An anomalous event occurred in Jalilabad region of Azerbaijan, the birth of a mutant calf was registered in the village of Sabirabad region, APA's southern bureau reports

The Egyptian Woman Weighs 500 Kg And Can Die Without Surgery - Alternative View

The Egyptian Woman Weighs 500 Kg And Can Die Without Surgery - Alternative View

A family from the Egyptian city of Alexandria turned to the public and doctors with a request to help their relative Iman Ahmad Abdulati, who spent most of her life at home due to her enormous body weight. Writes about this The Daily Mirror

The Mummy Debunked The Most Common Myth About Cancer - Alternative View

The Mummy Debunked The Most Common Myth About Cancer - Alternative View

Research into an 18th century Hungarian mummy finally debunked the myth that cancer was a technological advancement of our time

Named The Main Way To Protect Yourself From Cancer - Alternative View

Named The Main Way To Protect Yourself From Cancer - Alternative View

Experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that 40 percent of all cancer cases detected in the United States could be caused either by obesity itself or by other reasons contributing to the appearance of excess weight

A Newborn Child Was Killed By A Kiss - Alternative View

A Newborn Child Was Killed By A Kiss - Alternative View

A young couple from the UK spoke about the death of their newborn daughter, Kiara, from a kiss. According to Metro, the child contracted the herpes virus and could not cope with it

A Winged Cat Was Found In A Tatar Village - Alternative View

A Winged Cat Was Found In A Tatar Village - Alternative View

According to the author, the video was filmed in a Tatar village in the summer of 2011. An unusual mutation was found in one of the local cats. Wings on the back. From the conversation: - Mutant! - Yes, yes, yes! - Kara ele - rope (Look - wing) Female voice: "Kara, kara nichek

A Carnivorous Amoeba Turned Grandmother's Brain Into A Bloody Mess - Alternative View

A Carnivorous Amoeba Turned Grandmother's Brain Into A Bloody Mess - Alternative View

A 69-year-old resident of Seattle (USA) died after being ill for a year from an extremely dangerous microorganism that penetrated her brain with tap water

They Are Afraid To Take A Child With A Rare Disease Out Into The Street - Alternative View

They Are Afraid To Take A Child With A Rare Disease Out Into The Street - Alternative View

Parents hide their one and a half year old son from people. Denis Chubanyuk suffers from Aper's syndrome - it is a congenital malformation of the skull. When Denis was born, the doctors were shocked

A Baby With A Brain Outside The Skull Was Sent Home To Die With His Family - - Alternative View

A Baby With A Brain Outside The Skull Was Sent Home To Die With His Family - - Alternative View

24-year-old Anali Gibi learned about her daughter's illness while still pregnant. Doctors warned that the child's brain will develop outside the skull and it is extremely unlikely that the baby will survive

Bloody Sweat - Alternative View

Bloody Sweat - Alternative View

A mysterious disease appeared in Germany: droplets of blood appear all over the body of calves, and the animals rather quickly die of blood loss. Veterinarians don't know what this disease is

Who Are Somnambulists? - Alternative View

Who Are Somnambulists? - Alternative View

In principle, somnambulists - lunatics - are quite harmless: immersed in deep sleep, wander around the rooms, less often go out into the street, and in the morning they do not remember what happened to them

Found In Two Children A Rare Genetic Mutation - Alternative View

Found In Two Children A Rare Genetic Mutation - Alternative View

In the UK, scientists are racking their brains over the treatment of children who have been found to have an unusual genetic mutation

Instead Of Hair, The Woman Began To Grow Nails - Alternative View

Instead Of Hair, The Woman Began To Grow Nails - Alternative View

Taking steroids caused a rare disease in 28-year-old American Shanya Iceom - nails began to grow from hair follicles on her skin

The Baby Was Born With An Open And Deformed Skull And Is Still Alive - Alternative View

The Baby Was Born With An Open And Deformed Skull And Is Still Alive - Alternative View

At the first glance at this child, it seems that you are looking at a doll with a damaged porcelain head. Someone dropped the doll to the floor and its head broke. Only after a moment comes the understanding that this is a living baby

8 Ancient Diseases That Should Remain In The Past - Alternative View

8 Ancient Diseases That Should Remain In The Past - Alternative View

Not so long ago, people around the world were dying from dozens of terrible diseases, control over which was given to scientists only in the last century